Photography by Ian L. Sitren


USMC Viper Helicopter

A USMC AH-1Z Viper attack helicopter arriving to land at the airport in Palm Springs, today 05-19-2024.

National Pop-Tart Day!

May 19th today is National Pop-Tart Day! Very timely with the release of the Jerry Seinfeld motion picture “Unfrosted”. A whacky comedy about the race between Kellogg’s and it’s biggest competitor, Post, to bring a toaster breakfast pastry to the market in the early 1960’s. The ultimate winner, Kellogg’s still turning out millions of them 50 years later. More of my food photos on my website at

So Much More…

So very many of my photoshoots that I have not shown yet. But I am working to do that now that I have more time. They will be on my website, galleries, books. For simplicity I am going alphabetically, at least for the moment. Much more of model Amber Flowers soon. My website at

Studio Lighting

I think my idea for advertising for lighting equipment is better than most. Here we have a Broncolor Para 133 reflector as the main lighting source. And then a much more creative use of a Broncolor softbox. During the photoshoot we also did eliminate the softbox. The Para was great by itself. Model Amber Flowers.

The Vietnam Veterans Memorial Moving Wall

The Vietnam Veterans Memorial Moving Wall in Desert Hot Springs, California through May 20th. Of the age generations of that time, we all served or have friends or family who served. The Vietnam War shaped all of those of us in one way or another.

The Moving Wall is a half-size replica of the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington D.C. First displayed in 1984, it travels throughout the United States.

National Pizza Party Day

OK here it is, National Pizza Party Day! And pretty much any reason is a good reason to have Pizza. America’s favorite… Pepperoni. The first Pizza establishment in the U.S. opened in New York’s Little Italy in 1905. More of my food photos on my website at Thanks! May 17, 2024

International Pickle Day

Not to be confused with National Pickle Day, today May 16th is International Pickle Day. We really find them on everything, but I hope that excludes Pizza. The most popular is the Dill Pickle. My own memories very much relate them to Deli restaurants. More of my fun food photos on my website at Thanks!

National BBQ Day

Today May 16th is National BBQ Day. Why it was created to sometimes be on a weekday instead of a Sunday makes no sense to me. But I didn’t do it. What I did do is photograph barbecued ribs because what says BBQ more than ribs! More of my food photographs on my website at Take a look, they are fun. Thanks!

Casting Shadows

Very exciting to be in another show at the Artists Center at the Galen. “Casting Shadows: Dimensional Art” opening reception this Thursday, May 16th, from 4-6pm. Yes I have a photograph in the show but with some added pieces to make it “Dimensional”. I won’t tell you what it is but if you come I will introduce you to Monique, the Sushi Chef. The reception is free so stop on by. The Artists Center at the Galen, 72-567 Hwy 111, Palm Desert California. Thanks!

Aerial Firefighters

A Hercules C-130 aerial tanker landing during training exercises in Palm Springs. From Coulson Aviation equipped with a 4,000 gallon roll-on roll-off tanking system. 05-12-2024
A Boeing 737 converted to an aerial tanker landing during training exercises in Palm Springs. From Coulson Aviation, it takes 43,000 technician hours to become a Coulson FireLiner. 05-12-2024