Photography by Ian L. Sitren

Posts tagged “Ava Cowan

Love Training Delts With Ava

Training tip from IFBB Pro Figure Champion Ava Cowan…


Delts- The love of training them, and that I certainly do!

I prefer to explore all angles, hand positions and planes of motion. My goal is to target every single fiber, front to back equally, creating beautifully developed symmetrical shoulders.

In this exercise, the dumbbell front raise on incline bench, targets the anterior delts.

Incline front raises, using a pronated hand position (palms facing the floor) may be alternated with a semi-supinated (palms facing each other) grip.

-Start this exercise by lying supine on an incline bench set to 45 degrees.Â
-With the elbows slightly bent, raise the dumbbells using your shoulders until your arms are parallel to the floor or slightly higher.Â
-Keep a slight bend in the elbow and raise the weight.Â
-Stay in control of the exercise with a tempo of a count of two up and four on the way down. -Lower the weight under control to a dead stop before repeating.

Sets: 2-4
Reps: 6-10
Rest: 90 seconds

Ad Videos And Photo Shoots

One of my favorites from a video series created around my photo shoots for advertising and features for Here with one of the most admired and respected women in the entire world of fitness, Ava Cowan.

Deadlifts With Ava Cowan

An outstanding workout series I photographed over a few days with IFBB Figure Professional Ava Cowan. “Professional” for sure when it comes to Ava!

And be sure to “Like” the Facebook page for our gym shoot location Palm Springs Fitness Center, my favorite gym and to keep up with my posting over there as Social Media Manager. It helps me a lot and I promise to make it fun! Thanks!



Deadlifts done right with IFBB Professional Figure Competitor Ava Cowan…


With feet flat beneath bar, squat down and grasp bar with shoulder width or slightly wider overhand or mixed grip. Start with light weight to not only warm up but to determine what you are capable of lifting.

The addition of wrist straps can great improve your ability to perform multiple reps as well as more weight. If no straps are used, a mixed grip is a great way to grip the bar.
Start with 2 sets of 15 reps before moving into working weight.


Lift bar by extending hips and knees to full extension, keeping the bar close to the body throughout the movement. Keep your back flat throughout the exercise and pull shoulders back being mindful not to round the shoulders. Also, keep knees pointing the same direction as your feet. Return and repeat.

The simplified version of the muscles used are:

The grip strength (finger flexors) and the lower back (erector spinae) work isometrically to keep the bar held in the hands and to keep the spine from rounding.

The gluteus maximus and hamstrings work to extend the hip joint.

The quadriceps work to extend the knee joint.

The adductor magnus works to stabilize the legs.

Core musculature remains braced to stabilize the spine.

I Get Asked The Most About…

In my years as a photographer in the world of bodybuilding and fitness, I have for a long time been asked many times over and over…. “Have you ever photographed ________?”. And the person I always get asked about more often than any other has always been this glorious, gorgeous, wonderful creature on Earth…. Ava Cowan. One of the world’s best known, most popular and respected IFBB Figure Pro’s ever. Over 1,000,000 Facebook fans alone. So the answer is Yes, I have photographed Ava Cowan!

Ava Cowan


Sharing Is Good

Ava Cowan, one of the preeminent women in the world of fitness, shared a photograph on Facebook from one of our photo shoots. So I thought I would share it back. Because she is just too outstanding for words!
